Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hair. It`s everywhere. Like a blanket of brown hair coating my house and making my owneres sneeze. Annoying Kid is beginning to regret wearing black all the time, because now everyone knows she has a dog. I get brished twice a day. My owners expected me to be naked by now. They didn`t even know I had this much hair! Warm weather brings joy to Colorado, but it also brings the shedding of the winter coat. My owners have been joking about making a sweater out of all my hair. You can`t escape the hair! Mwah hah ha hah!


  1. As long as you don't become naked:)

  2. Your owners have to learn to color co-ordinate their wardrobe with you. Easy peasy! LOL!

  3. I am really shedding a lot this time of year too. It is that weird time of year when fall becomes winter.

  4. That should be so serious shedding during the summer time. It must feel good when you are in the summer season. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals
